103 years later, the world still remembers the fights, commitments, convictions, the struggles of Nelson Mandela against the political system of Apartheid in South Africa.
Proclaimed by UNESCO on November 10,2009, the Madiba day is celebrated every year since July 18th 2010, birthday of Nelson Mandela, to commemorate the contribution of this anti-apartheid militant and the first black president of South Africa.
After years in prison, « Madiba » his tribal name, was released on February 11,1990. Noble Peace Prize winner for his actions in favor of the end of Apartheid. Nelson Mandela devoted himself to a policy of reconciliation between blacks and whites and fought against inequalities in South Africa. 77 years fighting for a country which unfortunately nowadays, has followed the example of many African countries in corruption and embezzlement.
In deed, the arrest and conviction of former president Jacob Zuma who used to proclaim himself as a « freedom fighter« , became a prisoner after nine years in power. What a contrast that Madiba went from prison to the presidency while Jacob Zuma left the presidency to prison.
The former president who had been supported by Nelson Mandela found himself in many scandals. In 2013, he was accused of using public funds to renovate his private residence. In 2016, his judgment is unequivocal: he has to repay the 15 million euro within 45 days and must face an impeachment procedure initiated by the Democratic Alliance, its main opponent.
The country of Madiba for which he fought all his life, has gone from an examplary political system to a corrupt one from a country of justice and equality to Xenophobia. However, the actions of Nelson Mandela will forever remain in the history of mankind.