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dimanche, 8 septembre 2024

The use of WhatsApp, to revive the « Bamvele’s » culture in Cameroon

« Egwolo’o Nzal » (the village tam-tam), an appellation to the gathering of sons and daughters of the High-Sanaga family in Cameroon, as well as sympathisers that have in common the « Bamvele » language. WhatsApp as a Social Network is an increasingly essential broad spectrum communication channel in this area.

The evolution of humanity in its many changes weekened the physical environment but also the social tissue of many people. The High-Sanaga have observed by the truche of her children that there is a mismatch between traditional values and those said to be modern who are a saprophyte of habits and customs, leting unwise people to lose cultural values. « we could lose everything except the culture we have » asserts a joke. How then to save this ?

The ethnolinguistic Bamvele, seeing the worm introducing itself into the fruit of its traditions, came out with a concept using WhatsApp.
Mr Lazare commonly known as the ‘‘ Monomanga’anzal’’ created an association that brings together the Bamvele people through its language as a vehicle of the ancestropatriarchal virtues.
The President of this forum granted to LA CREME HEBDO an interview to better educate our readers.

Thank you Mr president for having accepted to answer our questions.

La CREME HEBDO : What is this Forum about ?

– President : It is a new forum of the Bamvele’s of Cameroun and the Diaspora.

LA CREME HEBDO : Why the name ‘‘Egwolo’o Nzal’’ ?

President : Egwolo in the Bamvele language means ‘‘Tam-Tam’’ which consist in conveying a message. In our villages, an apprenticeship is neccessary to better understand what the player of this instrument says, the range of its echo stretches for miles. In somme, it is our traditional telephone that rings for the gathering of the linguistic community just as it makes us dance.

LA CREME HEBDO : did you choose Social network as a communication instrument for this ?

President: We choosed Social Network because it’s easy, a fast mean to send messages or communicate since some of our members are out of Cameroon. We have members from different countries of the world notably China, France, Guinea, Germany etc. The Social Network is just like the instrument « Egwolo ».

LA CREME HEBDO : What is unique about this Forum ?

–  President : We have daily entertainment programs run by volunteers who come to share their lives experience. We also learn words such as the 12 months of the year, names of animals and plants, proverbs and herbal care, all these in the Bamvele Language. It is a way for us to learn more about our language.

– LA CREME HEBDO : How  succesful have you been till now and what are the difficulties you face?

President :The massive adherence of those who recognise their identity as belonging to the Bamvele’s ethnic group. Since 3 months that the forum has been put in place, we have about 257 members from arround the world.
The difficulty is mostly that of poor connection which at times does not permit us to exchange fluently.

LA CREME HEBDO :What are your perspectives ?

President : We plan to meet not only virtually but also physically, organise conferences that will give rise to income generating projects. That is why i profit of this occassion to invite all the Bamveles and those who want to learn to join the group in order to contribute to the strengthening of our villages and the extension of our department. We will get on to the Ministry of Arts and Culture in order to have a clarification concerning state support for cultural activities.

Thank you Mr President
You are well come

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