Social networks end up being right on the enthroned bamoun king.

It’s no secret both in our country and elsewhere that social networks are not always credible. Most often news published are labeled fake. However, the latest news tend to prouve the contrary.

Immediately after the death of the late king Ibrahim Mbombo Njoya, social networks had revealed that his Royal Magesty Nabil Mbombo Njoya was the designated new king of the bamoun people. But once more the news was contested and Proclaimed fake by the guardians of the tradition saying its impossible to know the successor before the burial of the king.  Information which tend to be true since yesterday 10th October.

A question then arises from the observation on who could have revealed the secret of the Will which according to the bamoun traditions only 07 out of the 32 Koms (notables) were aware of the Will of the deceased king?

Can we still have confidence in the guardians of the traditions?  Are social networks not confirming their  credibility on news carried by the public?

More and more questions that  we ask. For a people jealous and corservative of their traditions like the bamoun, the newly enthroned king had not been a real surprise as expected. For some one could have just imagine from the fact that, the new sultan is the first child born under the reign of his father and for others, he is young, good-looking, smart and have temperament to rule as such justifying the choice of his late father.

But for you reading, what could justify the choice of the late king and how come the news came out before time?


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